Diversity, Inclusion & Equity
[Note: The DEI Committee, in its continuing efforts to disseminate information about Multiple Myeloma, is seeking to have newspapers publish the article which you can read below. Please look at the bottom of this page for the attachment with the document.]
Those of us who have gathered as the Philadelphia Myeloma Networking Group (PMMNG), have always strived to be inclusive of anyone who finds themselves touched by multiple myeloma. We know that people from all walks of life are diagnosed with this disease, and we stand ready to offer encouragement, support and education to them and their loved ones. As a result, the PMMNG Diversity and Inclusion committee is working diligently to expand our outreach to communities of color within the Philadelphia community.
Many organizations within the Myeloma community have begun initiatives to better serve communities of color, reflecting some of the challenges that people of color have had in receiving equitable access to top notch medical services and support. We have joined this effort. The information here on the PMMNG website is meant to reflect the diverse programs and information that is available currently.
Myeloma Programs to Address the Needs of the African American Myeloma Community
Black Myeloma Health (healthtree.org) – Myeloma Crowd’s program for African Americans
https://myelomacentral.com/africanamericans/about/ - Bristol Myers Squib’s initiative called “Standing in the GAAP”
Diversity and Inclusion | International Myeloma Foundation – a collection of information pertaining to access and outcomes; pilot programs in directly impacting health services for African Americans
Diversity and Inclusion | International Myeloma Foundation – a place to see the research on disparities and the specific programs for the African Americans with myeloma
M-Power – An International Myeloma Foundation Initiative M-power is an initative involving health care providers, community leaders, support groups, practicing physicians to break down barriers by raising myeloma awareness; initial programs in Charlotte and Baltimore
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion - themmrf.org – description of goals, emphasis on genetics and participation in clinical trials
Multiple myeloma in Black patients - themmrf.org - Clinical Aspects of Multiple Myeloma in Black Patients; videos with patient and nurse practitioner