February 2023 PMMNG Meeting - Update from ASH 2022 by Dr. Adam Cohen
We will be holding our regular monthly PMMNG meeting on Saturday, February 11, 2023 from 1:30-3:00 PM EST via Zoom. Our meeting will feature an update on the American Society for Hematology (ASH) 2022 conference (link goes to search results listing the 1016 (!!) abstracts for multiple myeloma), which was held in New Orleans, LA and virtually in December.
Dr. Adam Cohen, Director of Myeloma Immunotherapy at Penn Medicine, will give us a summary of the key research results from ASH. There was very encouraging news about new drugs and combinations of drugs to treat multiple myeloma presented at this meeting, so join the meeting to hear all about it.
All PMMNG members will receive a meeting invitation via email. If you are new to the group, contact either Maddie Hunter ([email protected]) or Barbara Falkowitz (b[email protected]) to receive the meeting link.
We look forward to seeing you on Zoom!
NOTE: Dr. Cohen's slides are attached below. And the Zoom recording of Dr. Cohen's presentation is here.