PMMNG Member Survey Results

Survey says

To all the PMMNG family and friends,
In March, many of you participated in our survey.  Thank you to all of you who participated.  Twenty-nine people responded, representing 10% of our group membership list. We will do our best to respond to all that we have learned from your thoughts and ideas.  Here is a summary of the results.  The detailed survey results organized by question are found in the attached document.

·        Members are comfortable having meetings recorded when they involve presentations. Our plan will not be to record any open discussions or patient-caregiver split meetings.  We are researching how best to store the recordings to provide access to interested members.

·        The dates and timing of our meeting work for most of our group members.

·        Our programs have a high level of endorsement by the group.  Thanks for all of the acknowledgement.

·        The top 5 program priorities listed by survey participants include:

Nutrition, Side Effects Management, New treatment options, Understanding Lab Reports, Psychological impacts of living with myeloma

The Program Team will continue to find ways to address these group priorities.

·        There is a pent-up need to “circle” time – open discussions and the like. We will resume having an open discussion segment at every meeting.

·        People hear about the PMMNG from a variety of sources.  We need to continue to have a broad way to market our group’s services.

·        A number of people indicated interest in serving on one of our group’s committees but did not offer their names.  If you are one of these people, please reach out to let us know who you are.  We are ALWAYS looking for volunteers.

We are always interested in your input, so don't hesitate to pass along your ideas at any time.
Maddie, for the PMMNG 
