November 2016: From Uninsured to Underinsured - Strategies to Improve Financial Well-Being During and After Cancer Treatment
At our November 12, 2016 meeting, Christina Bach, MBE, MSW, LCSW, will be speaking on the topic "From Uninsured to Underinsured: Strategies to Improve Financial Well-Being During and After Cancer Treatment". In addition to addressing health insurance concerns, she will provide information about the new oral parity law that was recently passed in PA. Christina, a long-time oncology social worker, is currently the Educational Content Specialist and Psychosocial Content Editor for Oncolink, an online resource for cancer information.
PMMNG meetings are held the second Saturday of every month (except August), 1:30 – 3:30 PM, at the Ralston House, 3615 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA (near the University of Pennsylvania campus). There is free parking behind the building, accessible from Ludlow Street.
Newcomers are especially welcome.