February 2018 Meeting: ASH 2017 Update & Year-End Celebration

PMMNG logoOur February meeting will feature Albert Garfall, MD, as our guest speaker. He will give us an update on the American Society for Hematology (ASH) 2017 conference, which was held in December in Atlanta. This presentation will be a good way to catch up on exciting new research on treatments for multiple myeloma. Dr. Garfall is on the Myeloma team at Abramson Cancer Center, Penn Medicine. He also will update us on multiple myeloma clinical trials at Penn.

In addition, since our December meeting was cancelled due to inclement weather, we will also hold an abbreviated version of our annual year-end (or maybe "year-beginning" this time) celebration. We will pass out stars so we can all celebrate another year of living with multiple myeloma.

Takeda will be providing lunch.